What Can You Do With Your Degree?

I feel like Mass Communications is such and underrated major choice. With M.C there are so many different careers you would be able to go into/study while at school. With more than one option out there I've decided to give you guys the top 4 careers in Mass Communications along with salaries.



One of the top jobs people in Mass Communications study for is Advertising. Having a career in advertising can allow you to make about $68,000 a year. As a person in advertising you are truly the face of the company, you are constantly changing it up and thinking about how to bring in my customers & profit. 
If you'd like to find out more about a career in advertising click here



 It might not be the most top paying career in Mass Communications making an average of  $39,000 per year, there is a lot you can do with a photojournalism career. From working for Nylon magazine to Time magazine as a photojournalist its your job to capture the emotions of what story you are tying to get across.
If you'd like to find out more about a career in photojournalism click here



In Newscasting you have different branches you can go into, from: anchors, reporters, radio personalities the list can go on. As this can be a very competitive career to get into starting as an intern might be a good way to start out. With the different jobs in Newscasting your salary can range from $30,000-$170,0000.
If you'd like to find out more about a career in newscasting click here



In P.R you are the voice of the company, you handle all media coverage and any type of interview needed to happen. As a P.R Specialist your clients could range from big businesses to celebrities. In P.R your yearly salary would be about $54,000.
If you'd like to find out more about a career in public relations click here

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